New York Dolls Tickets, For You (6/4 @ House of Blues)

Yeah, yeah — I know I’ve griped in this very space about the House of Blues, but hell… Past antipathy/ disillusionment aside, I have to say that next Thursday’s (June 4th, that is) New York Dolls show is pretty awe-inducing. I mean, c’mon — it’s the fucking New York Dolls, for crying out loud. And yes, I’m well aware that Johnny Thunders, Arthur Kane, & Billy Murcia are no longer in the band/on this planet, but again: it’s the fucking New York Dolls. As in, “those dirty/glammy Noo Yawk guys who kinda-sorta inspired punk rock on both sides of the Atlantic.”

It’s still Sylvain Sylvain, and it’s still David Johansen, so as far as I’m concerned, they could have Rowlf the Dog playing with ’em, and it’d still be cool. (Actually, that’s a spectacularly bad example, as that’d be pretty awesome, but you get the gist.) And having ex-Hanoi Rocks bassist Sami Yaffa, along with David Johansen‘s former Buster Poindexter guitarist, Steve Conte, isn’t a bad thing by any means. I have yet to hear Cause I Sez So, but I’ve heard reports that it’s surprisingly good, given the years gone by since the band’s heyday.

Oh, and add Austin-dwelling openers Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears to the mix, and things get better & better. Trust me, the show’s bound to be pretty great.

Best of all, we’ve got two guest list spots for the show here at SCR, free to one lucky winner. All you have to do is send an email to “gaijin at spacecityrock DOT com”, with the Subject line “I’m talking ’bout a personality”. We’ll pull the lucky bastard out of the hat & let ’em (you?) know, then they just show up at the HoB next Thursday night. Good luck…

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 27th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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