Tonight: Papermoons Return! (Temporarily!)

Yes, it’s that long-awaited moment: H-town prodigals (now dwelling in Austin, apparently) Papermoons have returned, albeit temporarily, to grace us with their amazingly cool presence. Last year the duo put out their debut full-length, blowing away folks here and elsewhere with their gentle, comfy-blanket, folk-fringed indie-pop masterpiece New Tales (and since I’m all about the self-referentialism, see here for a review of said product written by little ole me), played some reportedly-excellent shows, and then…um, moved away. Crap.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like they’re planning on fleeing Indie-Hipster-Ville a la Joe Mathlete any time soon, but hey, at least they’re stopping by to say “hi!,” right? Us H-towners will have to take what we can get. Come get it while you can tonight at Walter’s on Washington — doors at 8PM, cover’s $7.

Thankfully, tonight’s also features some real-live current local people who are good, good, good, like countrified, “old-timey”-sounding, folk-meets-the Beach Boys crew News on the March (about whom I need to blog other things soon, actually; and again, revieweration here), who’re pretty great in their own right.

Then there’s Phillip Foshée, who I somehow keep just missing seeing at various shows he’s played but whose gorgeously beautiful, sweet, & lonely Christmas track “Warm in Texas” I enthused about back in December makes me desperately want to see the guy live.

Also, I’ve been warned that while he didn’t make it on the show flyer, local does-everything indie-rocker/popper BDM (aka Ben Murphy, of too many damn bands to count, but most prominently & recently Bright Men of Learning) will also be burning up the stage tonight — not sure of the timing, but whenever he happens to go on, it’ll be cool, honest. (Ignore any self-deprecating things he may say in that regard, btw.) And for a third time: review up here.

And, for those not interested in the above, here’re the Thursday Runners-Up, both of which sound intriguing themselves:

Agartha/Football Etc. @ Rudyard’s
Sorry=Ok-Yes/The Witz/Riot Up Front/Brutally Normal/K-O @ Notsuoh

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, March 12th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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