The official Space City Rock Blog, featuring news on local Houston musical happenings and occurances, random venting about various things, and fervent ravings on the wonders of music, art, film, and anything else.
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We're On A Hunt, We're After You: Duran Duran Tickets to Give Away [12/02/2008 03:41:00 PM]:
UPDATE: And there they go...thanks to the folks who emailed in, but the pair of Duran Duran tix are now officially won. Congrats, Joe!
Thanks to the kind efforts of Marni at Sneak Attack, the PR person for '80s pop legends Duran Duran, we here at SCR have a pair of tickets to give away to the band's show this coming Friday, December 5th at Verizon Wireless Theater with Your Vegas. They're a bit rougher around the edges these days -- I mean, it has been a few years since "Girls On Film," y'know -- but the show still looks to be a good one. (And yes, while I wasn't as ardent as the wife back in the day, I'll gladly admit that I was a fan of some of the suave Birmingham boys' songs.)
So...want 'em? Email me at "gaijin" at "spacecityrock dot com" with the title "Straddle the line in discord and rhyme", and if you're the first in line, they're yours. Cool? (If you're not quick enough, obviously, you can always buy tickets, but eh, up to you.)
Of course, the band's got a new(-ish) album out, Red Carpet Massacre, released about this time last year; here's a link to a stream of one of the album tracks:
While it's no "Hungry Like The Wolf," it's definitely interesting, all slinky and non-anthemic. To my ears, the song comes off like an electro-funk remake of an older Duran Duran song, bridging the gap between the band's '80s output and more contemporary bands like Scissor Sisters or The Rapture (hell, it could be a track off the latter's Pieces Of The People We Love).
Oh, and here's a DD-related widget for the crazed fans out there...