The official Space City Rock Blog, featuring news on local Houston musical happenings and occurances, random venting about various things, and fervent ravings on the wonders of music, art, film, and anything else.
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Prop. 8: The Musical -- Why Can't Jack Black Be This Funny All the Time? [12/08/2008 12:38:00 PM]:
Yes, Jack Black irks me. I like some of his movies, admittedly, but a lot of the time his shtick wears thin fast. So when he showed up and was hysterically funny in the awesome, awesome Prop. 8: The Musical on, I nearly spit out my morning coffee. Seriously, it's pretty great.
Oh, and it features nearly every funny person in the universe, apparently, from Margaret Cho to Maya Rudolph to John C. Reilly to Andy Richter, the latter of whom I seem to keep seeing more on shows my daughter watches than anywhere else (he cracks me up on the Sesame Street video Happy Healthy Monsters just by being there), which makes his an especially nice cameo. Just watch: