Tomorrow Night: Peter and the Wolf + listenlisten + Wild Mocassins + Sew What

Damn, this is gonna be a good one, and it’s looking like I’m gonna miss it. Argh… Sucks to be me.

Anyway, for those who don’t know, Peter and the Wolf are pretty fucking awesomely great, this kind of indie-folk-pop collective of sorts helmed by Red Hunter that plays strange, quirky, yet intensely catchy music and does it all very DIY style. Which explains, at least partly, why this show will be over at ArtStorm, in the Caroline Collective building (4828 Caroline).

Happily, they’re not playing alone, having gotten some cool local folks to play, like strange quasi-folk icons listenlisten to play — and having finally seen ’em live at the Westheimer Block Party, I can tell you definitively that these guys are as incredible live as on their one EP so far (new one’s on the way, I believe). These guys do something that’s pretty unique, to my ears; it’s melancholy and countryish and somber but still full of energy.

It’s great stuff, as are fellow bands The Wild Moccasins and Sew What — the former does some excellent jangly, sweetly melodic folk-pop that makes you wish you (okay, me) were young and cool and a hell of a lot more full of life than you currently are, while the latter plays more low-key, somewhat folkier stuff that’s still captivating & intriguing. Sew What’s added a new band member since I saw ’em last, I think, Cory Derden, on the guitars, banjos, & “foot drums.” I dunno what the last part means, but it sounds cool.

Further details, before I forget: the show runs tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 9th, from 7-10/11PM, and it’s a measly $5 (see below for more on that). The Moccasins start at 7:30PM, followed by listenlisten at 8:15PM, Peter and the Wolf at 9PM, and Sew What, who finish out the night, at 10PM.

If the band or Mr. Hunter sound familiar, btw, it’s because Peter and the Wolf made the national news briefly back in 2006 (along with H-town expat and non-relation Jana Hunter) when they decided to fight the insanely-high gas prices — hah! if only they knew… — by sailing from gig to gig. Which sounds like a cool idea to me, but I have no clue how it actually worked out, esp. seeing as only being able to play coastal towns kind of limits your touring. Glad to see they’re back on land for now…

Now, while I dig Peter and the Wolf’s newer stuff, it’s one particular song off the band’s self-titled demo that really, truly gets me. It’s this post-apocalyptic tale of society falling apart but then finding itself in the midst of that falling apart, coming together in an old “new” way like in some idyllic never-happened version of our tribal gypsy forager past. No cities, no banks, no money, no stocks, just wagons and families and campfires and survival and dancing and — most crucially of all — people.

I swear to God, this song makes me want to go all Fight Club and blow up Wall Street so as to hasten This Modern World’s inevitable end (not that they appear to need my help for that lately, mind you). Here’s a link to the track over on the Whiskey & Apples site:

Peter and the Wolf — “The Fall”

To further heighten the gypsy vibe, check the poster over there at the right: $5 cover includes beer and bonfire. What better way to listen to post-apocalyptic gypsy folk than that?

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, December 8th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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