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It Just Gets Worse and Worse [10/25/2008 10:17:00 PM]:
Jesus, this is getting insane. Every time I think the
McCain/Palin campaign and its supporters couldn't possibly do or say something
more insane, mind-melting, or scary, somebody fucking rises to the occasion. If it's not a right-wing loon stuck in the '50s
comparing Obama to Jim Jones, Mao, & Hitler, it's a whackjob (from College Station, yay!)
either fakes her own mugging or gets mugged and lies to the police about the "Obama supporter" black guy who attacked her (and is apparently dyslexic), or -- best of all -- it's a
terrifying, terrifying woman declining to label abortion clinic bombers "terrorists."
Part of me wants to cheer these lunatics on -- with each and every gaffe, lie, and scam, they dig themselves in deeper and deeper, after all. But that last one? It makes me want to flat-out puke. Did I hear that right? Did a candidate running for the second-most-powerful office in, hell, the world just waffle on whether or not slimeballs who murder innocent people in the name of religion are really terrorists? Did she suddenly forget what it was that happened in NYC, oh, seven years ago this fall? That kind of thing is suddenly not that big a deal?
This is what we're looking at, America. McCain/Palin fans? You're voting for a woman who thinks the other guy ought to be hung out to dry for having as an acquaintance a domestic terrorist who set off bombs in government offices when the guy in question was 8, but who doesn't think people who shoot doctors and blow up or set on fire fucking doctor's offices within the last decade are not worth calling "terrorists"? Governor Palin, ma'am -- before now, you were simply wrong, dumb, and possibly-maybe dangerous. Now, however, you're officially big-E Evil.
Labels: Political Stuff, Random Rambling
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