Racebannon, Acid or Blood

Racebannon, Acid or Blood

Race Bannon was the loyal “partner” to the unmarried Dr. Quest from the Adventures of Johnny Quest, but namesake band Racebannon is an Indiana band that has more mood swings than Britney Spears. On Acid or Blood, their first release in four years, they show a manic-ness that has to be appreciated even if you don’t like it. Have you ever tried the new Sour Skittles? They’re extremely sour, cause you to make disturbing faces, forces your body into near convulsions, and yet you finish the pack. Like that candy, there is something repulsive yet engaging about this band.

Sonically speaking, they take the Melvins, Dead Kenedys, and Mr. Bungle and throw them all in a blender. It would be near impossible to single out a specific track, because each one seems like four songs in one. Tempo and atmosphere changes are the norm, so much so that you have to look to see what track the player is on. After listening to Acid or Blood several times, I still don’t know if I like it or not. You have to admire a band that can do that. Or can you?

(Southern Records -- P.O. Box 577375, Chicago, IL. 60657; http://www.southern.com/; Racebannon -- http://www.racebannon.net/)
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Friday, October 31st, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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