The Mink’s New (Temporary?) Home Online

I had a teeny bit of a panic attack yesterday, when I tried to visit the Website for Midtown hipster hang The Mink; instead of the bar/club/whatever it is’s standard stylish black flowers & such, the link brought up a page that makes it look like the Mink crew, um, maybe let their domain registration lapse.

Obviously, it was all downhill in my paranoiac brain after that, with me imagining all sorts of Engine Room/Proletariat-esque scenarios where the place got shut down suddenly and with no warning to the folks who go & play there — it’s happened before in this town, so it honestly wouldn’ve have surprised me. Heck, the one time I saw Rocket From The Crypt play, at some bar I’m blanking on, as soon as the bands finished a bunch of men in G-Man-looking suits marched in, took the cash register, kicked everybody out, and locked the doors (seems they hadn’t paid their liquor license, and the ATF wasn’t in the mood to wait).

Thankfully, there appears to be no such drama here — the club does still exist, and it is still open, so those of who you frequent the place and occasionally go to the Website, don’t freak out like I did. Show-meister Dunnock has sent along what he says is a temporary-fix URL you can use to get your Web-ness on, even: No clue if that’ll be the club’s URL going forward or not, but I’ll keep folks updated with anything else I hear.

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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