Arcade Zine Distro

4115 Still Glade Ln.
Kingwood, TX. 77345
“ArcadeDistro” at “gmail dot com”

Not a zine, per se, but a zine distro, which I generally find to be almost cooler. They’re still starting out, it looks like, but they’ve got a bunch of stuff in stock, a lot of which I’ve never heard of; they’re not all music-related, but I think I seriously need to get a hold of these folks. Just by title alone, I’m really wanting to see what the hell The Art and Science of Billboard Improvement, Monsters In Our Heavens, & The Juniper are about… And hey, if you’ve got a zine of your own and are looking to get it seen outside of your circle of high school friends, give these folks an ’email about being part of the distro.

Zine writeup by . Zine writeup posted Sunday, October 26th, 2008. Filed under Zines.

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