Free Press Houston

Free Press Houston

Free Press Publishing
(713) 527-0014
“Editors at”

Man…those crazy FPH folks make me jealous (not to mention lazy & slow). In the now-several years it’s been around, the Free Press Houston has grown from a hearts-in-the-right-place local Public News-style B&W music/etc. paper into a full-on local music media juggernaut. They cover a wide range of stuff, everything from shows to food to video games to politics, and they get better with each issue I can find (it’s not yet available everywhere in the city, unfortunately). Plus, they’ve been cranking out cool local events & shows, including the thankfully-resurrected “Westheimer Block Party” (ahem — Festival!). And now, with the help of some talented writing folk, they’ve expanded to take over the online realm, as well. Seriously, these people deserve an award for keeping The Scene alive…

Zine writeup by . Zine writeup posted Saturday, October 25th, 2008. Filed under Zines.

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