The Rundown: Other Cool Things To Do This Weekend

I know it’s been a while, so consider this somewhat of a mini-Rundown; there’s just so many cool, neat, entertaining things you can check out this weekend that I can’t help but list ’em out, however briefly…

Fri., October 3:
Generator House Show, featuring The Young, Something Fierce, & Teenage Kicks @ 1813 Marshall (7-10PM, BYOB)
Top pick of the night right here (assuming you’re not planning on hitting the Discovery Green showing of Nosferatu, that is, in which case, uh, it’s a tie); I dunno a thing about The Young, except that they’re from Austin (I think?), but I just can’t say enough good things about Something Fierce & Teenage Kicks, both of ’em. They’re that unlikely combination of Good People + Great Music that makes Houston’s music scene pretty much at the top of its game right now, I have to say. If you haven’t seen one or both, you need to come on out. And hey, it’s even more D.I.Y. than usual, owing to Something Fierce-ers Niki & Stephen still having no power at their place. Rockin’ the generators, y’all…

Henry Rollins (spoken-word) @ Stafford Centre (Stafford)
Yeah, yeah — I like Henry Rollins, bite me. I know he’s a love-or-hate kind of thing, but dammit, while I haven’t really cared all that much for the Rollins Band over the years, his “spoken word” stuff always blows me away. Pretentious at times, sure, and most modern poetry makes me twitch, but live the guy is fucking hysterically funny. Period. Hearing him talk about accidentally kneeing himself in the face at a stadium show in Brazil(?) and coming up dazed & swinging, thinking somebody’s punched him? Ah, priceless. I’m not sure how this is gonna go over out in the Stafford ‘burbs (the last two shows that he’s done here that I know of were both at Numbers, I think), but I hope he gets a good crowd.

Quintron and Miss Pussycat/Golden Triangle @ Walter’s on Washington
Quintron’s kind of an acquired taste, to me, but I’ll defend the guy’s quirkiness to the death, I swear. He & cohort Miss Pussycat do a lot, to my mind, towards keeping New Orleans the freaky-ass place it’s been every time I’ve visited. Expect this show to be Hipster Central tonight.

Carolyn Wonderland @ McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
I know she’s forsaken us for our northwesterly neighbors, but Ms. Wonderland still rules. Awesome, awesome blues guitarist, great voice — I still can’t fathom how she never managed to make it big when she was here in H-town.

Sat., October 4:
2nd Annual Rock for Houston’s Youth Concert, featuring D.R.U.M., Studemont Project, Rowe, The Crisis, Electric Attitude, Advent Scars, Westborn, City of Sounds, Fulton Read, Sevi, & The Blue Poptarts @ Warehouse Live
What can I say? It’s a good cause, and while I’m still sore at getting stiffed by the Studemont Project folks, they and undying scene vets D.R.U.M. are worth the price of admission alone. Plus, I’ve heard good things about Electric Attitude & Advent Scars — neither of whom sound a thing like the first two bands, btw, so this looks to be a mixed bag of nuts. Which, in my opinion, always makes for the coolest shows. Anyway, do it for the kids, punk-ass.

Alexis Kidd Medical Benefit, featuring The Hates, The Jeff Boortz Band, The Krissi Minten Band, & Red Cap @ Dan Electro’s Guitar Bar
Or, alternatively, you could do it for Ms. Kidd. (Like how I did that? Smoooove…) I’m afraid I don’t know Alexis, but apparently she’s been diagnosed with mesothelioma, which is truly bad news and hard to treat — ergo, skyrocketing medical expenses. This looks to be a good show, too, especially with punker-than-me Houston mainstays The Hates capping the night, so if you’re feeling charitable (it’s a $15 donation to get in, and there’s also an auction of art & stuff to raise money, too) and/or needing to rock out, head to Dan Electro’s.

Dayglo Abortions/The Accused/Filth Hounds/El Desmadre @ Walter’s on Washington (8PM; $12)
Of course, if you’re an old-school punk, this may be where you’ll find yourself on Saturday. Canada’s the Dayglo Abortions have been around for so long that even I’ve heard of ’em, and my knowledge of punk rock from outside of England is pretty spotty, sadly. Then there’s The Accused, who’re famous for being the fathers of thrash offshoot “splatter rock” and for parting ways to go be part of Seattle’s Grunge Revolution (in Gruntruck and Tad, apparently). No clue on Filth Hounds, but I’m pretty sure El Desmadre are local; anyway, this should be a good one.

Mystery Metal Show, featuring Blood of Patriots, Krud Kudders (ex-dead horse), Burn The Boats, Temple of Wrath, & more @ The Meridian
Two words for this one: dead horse. Well, okay — ex-dead horse, according to reports I’ve heard. No Mike Haaga, unfortunately, but it’s nice to see/hear the rest of the band playing again…

Sun., October 5:
Fear Before the March of Flames/I Am The Ocean/Exotic Animal Petting Zoo/Charlameigne @ Walter’s on Washington
Okay, so apparently the listing’s now wrong, since the headliners now want to be known only as “Fear Before” — what, did the coolness of giving your band an insanely long name finally wear off? about freakin’ time… Anyway. Whatever the hell they want to call themselves, this show promises to melt faces; what I’ve heard of Fear Before Yadda-yadda has been impressive, complex, and noisy, all in a Converge kind of way. I’d bet the other bands on the bill are similar, but your mileage may vary, there.

That’s it for now — off to fight my way through traffic. Have a good weekend, everybody…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, October 3rd, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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