The official Space City Rock Blog, featuring news on local Houston musical happenings and occurances, random venting about various things, and fervent ravings on the wonders of music, art, film, and anything else.
E-mail news, info, death threats, etc., to "gaijin" at "spacecityrock dot com"
And The Lights Come Back On... [9/24/2008 11:48:00 AM]:
Man...before now, I'd never really considered how totally & completely I
rely on electrical things all around me to work -- now that the power's back on at
SCR HQ, as of yesterday afternoon, I find myself giddily amazed at the fact that the lights actually come on when I hit the switch. Getting into the shower this morning, I paused, disoriented for a minute, thinking that something was different; it finally hit me that I'd become used to showering in the near-dark over the past 10 or so days, so being able to
see in the shower was throwing me off.
And happily, when I plugged the modem & wireless router back in -- poof! -- it all worked, just like magic. No cable yet, but Internet, phone, & electricity, so 3 out of 4 ain't bad... Speaking of which, last night after we'd flipped all the breakers back on, made sure the A/C was working, and plugged all the unplugged stuff back in (fridge, computers, yadda, yadda), my wife noticed a crew of guys in hardhats conferring on the sidewalk between our house & the neighbors. I decided they were part of the re-energizing crew, so I braved the sparrow-sized mosquitoes and went outside to shake their hands and thank 'em. One guy saw me coming and asked if he could help me with anything, and I shook his hand and thanked him profusely for all his hard work.
Me: Man, thank you guys so much for everything you're doing. It's such a relief to finally get the lights back on.
Guy in Hardhat: Oh, uh...yeah -- um, we're with the cable company.
Me: Oh! Um... Well, our cable's definitely out, too, so y'know...
A half-embarrassed retreat ensued, but heck, at least now Comcast knows our house is down (the guy said we had a bad drop back behind the house).
Anyway, with the re-energization & all, SCR will hopefully lurch back to its usual state of quasi-timeliness and quasi-responsiveness. If you've emailed me in the past week or so and I haven't replied, you may have to be patient w/me a little longer while the inbox gets cleaned out. Hope everybody out there either has their own lights back on or gets 'em on soon...
Labels: Admin Stuff, Public Service Announcements
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