Mux No More?

Ah, fuck. I knew it was too good to be true for long… Apparently the joy-sucking, soulless, we-drowned-our-inner-child-in-the-bathtub-for-$5 jerks at the RIAA have taken down the very-popular Muxtape site. Ah, yes — another well-placed strike on that dastardly segment of the music-listening population that actually likes music they can’t hear on the similarly soulless radio and enjoys sharing their tastes in music with others. Who might, in turn, go out and buy said music, using real-live money, or use that money alternatively to experience the makers of said music first-hand in a live setting. Great job.

If we’re lucky, Muxtape will survive and emerge from their “problem” with the RIAA — they’ve got a message up saying that the site is not closed indefinitely, so that’s good to hear. I’m not holding my breath that there aren’t some changes in the way the site works, though; guess we’ll see how it shakes out. Apparently the Muxtape crew might be able to take a page from YouTube and use the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, which makes some sense, as I’ve never been clear quite how Muxtape expected to make any money from their cool little gadget (if they ever did).

Oh, and I feel like I should note that not only is the main Muxtape site currently down, but all muxtapes hosted on the site are down, as well. Including ours, despite the fact that zero of the people/bands on it are on major labels and/or have anything to do with the RIAA, as far as I know. Double fuck.

(Kudos to Indieblogheaven for the link…)

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 20th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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