A Few Changes (For the Good, I Swear)
phew. Well, that wasn’t nearly as painful as it could’ve been — as of late-late last night, Space City Rock is officially off Old Crappy Expensive Webhost and on New Smooth-Running Cheap(er) Webhost, and with any luck, most folks won’t have noticed any difference. If you do find something broken/weird on the site, definitely let me know; I haven’t checked every page yet…
Anyway, I’m posting this partly because, well, I can. Whee! Y’see, the whole Blogger-and-Network-Solutions thing has been fucking up my blogging capability for so damn long that I’d cringe every time I wanted to put something up. My mind would immediately flash back to the last time I tried, posting and re-posting and re-posting and re-posting and re-posting for an hour or so each time before giving up and coming back later on, fingers crossed that maybe this time it’d done its thing while I was gone. It was killing me, seriously. Blogging was up there with weedwhacking the back yard on The List of Painfully Annoying Things I Don’t Enjoy, and that’s not a good place to be.
But no more, dammit. I’m free, free, free, finally, after far too long. It’ll probably take a little while to work out the kinks w/the new webhost, but hopefully this’ll mean more posting from yours truly — more weird crap culled from the Interwebs, more not-so-fresh local music news, more political babbling, the works. All the good stuff, naturally.
BTW, the migration also kicked me towards making a few minor tweaks to the main SCR page design; namely, I finally got rid of the old “Subliminals” thing up there at the top that most people probably didn’t even realize was there & that I hadn’t updated in, oh, 2 years or so. It makes me a little sad to see it gone, yeah, esp. since it’d survived from the very start of the long-ago print ‘zine days, but it was a maintenance nightmare and not real useful. Rest in peace, little buddy.
Actually, though, it’s gone only in physical form, not in spirit. The “Currently Rocking” section is toast now, too, replaced with a list of neato things I/we enjoy just called “Stuff We Like”. This is where all the old Subliminals stuff will go from now on, updated more regularly and there for all to see. Enjoy…
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