Keene St. Update: Modified, Moved, & Minimized, But It’s Still On

Okay. So…it is on, albeit in a much-changed form. The Keene St. Warehouse Party has so far had its headliner (Andrew W.K., for those not paying attention) cancel, discovered that the venue (the Keene St. Warehouse — duh) had not been rebuilt/renovated after it got hit by a fire a while back and was soaked with water, gotten canceled completely, had a bunch of local bands bow out, and then lurch back to life at a new location.

Here’s the new info, as of this last night: the show is now going to be up at Notsuoh in downtown, with local cool folks By the End of Tonight, The Riff Tiffs, O Pioneers!!!, The Watermarks, Lisa’s Sons, Welfare Mothers, Limb, and B L A C K I E still playing. It kicks off at 5PM, instead of 1PM, and looks to be ending a lot earlier than the original 4AM shutdown time. Dang. I’m bummed The Octopus Project & Bring Back The Guns aren’t playing (and AWK, naturally, but I’ve already vented about that), but BTEOT, Riff Tiffs (who we’ve got a new review for up here!), and Watermarks are all very much worth checking out, so get on out and support ’em. See the schedule over to the right for times…

Big, big, big thank-yous, by the way, to Ramon over at Free Press Houston for playing detective yesterday & tracking down Eric at I Heart U to get the lowdown on the sorry state of the warehouse itself — check out the writeup & pics if you want to see what it looks like. I’m thinking the switch to Notsuoh’s a good thing.

(I’m a little irked, I should note, that SCR was a sponsor of this whole deal and yet I/we have had to find out what the fuck’s going on at every stage of this either from the Free Press & the Hands Up board, with zero actual contact from the show organizers. I know y’all have been swamped, but still, a quick update for your sponsors would’ve been nice…)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, July 5th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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