Jordan, Back To the Gym, Kid!

Jordan, Back To the Gym, Kid!

Paris, France’s Jordan would be on Dischord Records if they were from D.C., but, being as it is, they’re from France. It’s always a surprise to get something this good that I did not order or know about to review. With their debut Back To The Gym, Kid!, Jordan kicks up some dust and with the right spark could easily be France’s answer to At The Drive-In or Q And Not You. Produced in Montreal’s Hotel 2 Tango by Howard Bilerman (Arcade Fire, Godspeed! You Black Emperor) and Brian Paulson (Beck, Slint, Mates of State, Superchunk), this E.P. is a really solid release from French label Motoneige Records. All six songs are standouts, and all I can really say that is wrong with the record is that it is too short. Hopefully we will hear more from these guys soon.


Review by . Review posted Thursday, July 3rd, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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