The official Space City Rock Blog, featuring news on local Houston musical happenings and occurances, random venting about various things, and fervent ravings on the wonders of music, art, film, and anything else.
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Update: The Ruby Suns (Tonight!) + Sun Kil Moon + Raconteurs + Goldfrapp + Epochs + More [4/16/2008 05:24:00 PM]:

How do I always end up like this? Argh...the day just slip-slides away from me, I swear... Anyway, I wanted to post 'cause in the past 7 days or so we've now put up two separate batches of reviews & such, and I was woefully unable to post about the first bunch before leaving town last weekend. Dang.
But hey, here I am now, so that makes it all okay, right? And tonight's a rush-rush deal, as always, because one of the folks we've reviewed this week, The Ruby Suns, happen to be playing tonight (April 16th) over at The Mink's Backroom annex, along with headliners Scout Niblett & Throw Me The Statue and excellent locals Elaine Greer and Sew What.
It's a show jam-packed with goodness, honest -- the Suns themselves make this crazy, sunbaked Southern Hemisphere-centric brand of psych-pop that for once sounds weirdly like where it's from (i.e., New Zealand), and while I'm not super familiar with Niblett, I really like her cover of "Uptown Top Ranking," weird as it is. Throw Me The Statue I don't know much about, unfortunately, but anybody who takes their name from an Indiana Jones movie's alright by me. Plus, they're on Secretly Canadian, and pretty much everything that comes out of SC is gold, at least to me.
Of course, I can't forget the lovely local folks doing the opening, namely Ms. Greer & Sew What; Greer has been making some big waves in our little scene of late, on the strength of her excellent songwriting & singing skillz, and even though this 'pears to be a solo-acoustic deal and not a "full" gig with her band The Holly Hall, it promises to be good anyway. And Sew What's been entertaining when I've seen 'em in the past, doing their quirk-folk thing; very odd, yes, and yet strangely appealing...
So go. Read the review here, then go. Go, go, go, get out of the house and go in my stead, 'cause I'll be packing damn boxes all night long. Gah. Moving sucks ass. (The doors open at 8PM, btw, and the cover's $10 -- don't let the double digits dissuade you, though, cheapass. Remember, some of these folks are coming all the way from NZ...)
While you're checking out reviews, by the by, I would heartily recommend you see what else we've got up -- there's brand-spankin'-new reviews of new (and some new-ish) stuff by Sun Kil Moon, The Raconteurs, Goldfrapp, Casy and Brian, La Brea, & a ton more. Here's the full two-week-sized pile:
Reviews: The Ruby Suns; Sun Kil Moon; La Brea; Casy and Brian; All Teeth and Knuckles; The Raconteurs; Goldfrapp; Worrytrain; The Epochs; A Step Behind; The Johnbenders; Vopat; ZibraZibra; Danger Radio; Paperwork; partlycloudy; & Shangoband.
More to come, y'all...
Labels: Musical Crap, Reviews, Things To Do
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