A Step Behind, This is what we’ve become

A Step Behind, This is what we've become

When an alternative rock band asks fans to help them climb the Clear Channel charts, that says a lot. “Clear Channel” is just one of those phrases that pulls half the crowd to the stage while the other half slips out back unnoticed. But mama always said, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” and everyone deserves a fair chance. This is what we’ve become is the first for local alt-rockers A Step Behind.

Meh. Sometimes stereotypes work. Every positive point about this EP seems to double as a flaw: intense playing energy negated by generic rhythms; production quality so overdone it still has that fresh factory smell. From the cheesy Faith No More fade of the opening track to the tired Papa Roach-esque riffs on “Don’t Ask Me How, I’ll Tell You (Plan B),” this release just lacks. Like another poster of Starry Night on a dorm room wall, this CD just emulates what came before while doing little justice to the source. A Step Behind would fare better taking the cover-band route.

All that said, good luck to them on their quest to climb the charts. They’ve got an upbeat sound and can play well enough. The singer has a nice voice with an uncanny resemblance to Jamie from The Stereo, but catchy hooks and melodies didn’t get that band on the mainstream radar, either. Spike your hair, get some tribal tats, and find a producer to sex up. Abracadabra: Billboard Top 40.

(self-released; A Step Behind -- http://www.myspace.com/astepbehind)
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Wednesday, April 16th, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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