Rockin' yo shit.

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The Rundown, 3/17-3/26 + Sick on St. Paddy's Day [3/17/2008 03:50:00 PM]:
Dammit, dammit, dammit. I hate to admit it, but I tend to ignore all the emails I get from what look like crappy dance clubs, and sometimes it bites me in the ass. Like now, since I just bothered to look at one email & discovered that Talib Kweli, of all people (the non-Mos Def half of the excellent, excellent Black Star, if you don't know), was in town this past Friday night, acting as "celebrity host" and DJ over at Level. Crap...

On top of that, today's St. Patrick's Day, the one day a year where I get to flaunt my relative Irishness and subject others in my family to unforgivable amounts of The Pogues, The Chieftains, Black 47, and the Dropkick Murphys...and yet, all I want to do right now is go home and sleep for three days. Just my luck -- it's Irish People Day, and I get sick. The day before I'm due to finally catch Gogol Bordello here in town, no less. Argh.

Anyway, I'm afraid this is gonna have to be briefer than usual. All the below are good, good, good shows upcoming, and I wish I could keep my head upright long enough to write glorious paeans to each. Here's about all I can do for the moment -- I'll try to elaborate when I can, but after I post this, I'm going home, darnit:

Mon., March 17:
St. Patrick's Day Celebration, featuring E.J. Jones, Wyndnwyre, Martin Burniston's Irish Sing-a-Long, Irish Session Players, O'Mailoeidigh Irish Dancers, Teribus, Clandestine, Santry Rush, Irish Gypsies, & more @ McGonigel's Mucky Duck
Griff's St. Patrick's Day Festival, featuring Skyblue72, Hamilton Loomis, Liviya Compean, Zydeco Dots, Sugar Bayou, 11th Hour, Jerry Jones, Avizo, & Tom Ryan @ Griff's (3416 Roseland; 11AM)
Monotonix/Birds of Avalon/Dark Meat Vomit Lasers Family Band/Sharks and Sailors @ The Backroom (The Mink)
Junius/Constants/Look Mexico/Buxton/Forests @ The White Swan
So Many Dynamos/Bring Back The Guns/Something Fierce/Gentleman Auction House @ Boondocks (free!)
The Wiggins/Tyvek/Little Claw/Cygnus @ Jet Lounge
Fireflies/Goes Cube/Hammertorch/The Coma Lilies/Bryan Scary & The Shredding Tears @ Notsuoh
Magic Christian (ex-Flamin' Groovies/Plimsouls/Blondie)/Dead Roses/Born Liars @ Rudyard's
South by Due East 2008, featuring Harold Jamez, Tha Bottom, 4Deep, Koo Rod, Twank Star, Romeo Dogs, 3 Kisses, PJ Flowers, & more @ Dan Electro's Guitar Bar (7PM)

Tues., March 18:
Gogol Bordello/Skindred @ The Meridian
Scenes & Sirens/States of Nature/Thee Armada/Great American Actors @ Walter's on Washington
Tacks the Boy Disaster/The Hanks/Via Audio/The Forward @ The Mink

Thurs., March 20:
AM Syndicate/Spain Colored Orange @ Boondocks
Grandmaster Flash @ The Meridian (maybe???)
Raj Pickens/Free Radicals @ Notsuoh
The Umbrella Man @ The Big Top

Fri., March 21:
Rory & The Artificial Heart/The Eastern Sea/Earnie Banks/The Wild Moccasins/The Giddy Multitude @ Walter's on Washington
Studemont Project/Peekaboo Theory/Million Year Dance/The Ton Tons @ Warehouse Live (studio)
Perseph One (CD release)/Andacc @ Suckerpunch Clothing (2609 Dunlavy)
The Ultra Siberian Pant Factory/Snowplow/Deus Machina @ Fitzgerald's
Paul Oakenfold/Benjamin Dubose/Brian Paul/Carlos Cornell/BJORN/DJ Enfyniti/Marlon Mancilla/DJ Liquid Todd @ Level (412 Main)
Charger Fits @ Fuel Cyber Cafe (Humble)

Sat., March 22:
David Dondero/Benjamin Davis Murphy/Mitch Vegas @ Walter's on Washington
Punk Rock Fury 2, featuring Death From Afar, Gutter Rats, Riot Up Front, Dissent, Vatos Locos, & SMD @ The White Swan (9PM, $5)
The Wiggins/Nectarine/Hungry Villagers/A Thousand Cranes @ The Engine Room
Baroness/Young Widows/Canyon of the Skull @ Rudyard's
Scream Club/Mexican War Band/Atticus & The Foul Foul Gingerbrows/Shadows and Tall Trees/Shutting Up/Transense/The Hydra Melody @ Super Happy Fun Land
Vanilla Ice/IH5/Killing Caroline @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)
The Jonbenet/Storms Threaten to Destroy/Quiet Company/Sharks and Sailors @ The Vortex (Beaumont)

Sun., March 23:
Time Again/Los De Verdad/The Tag Alongs/Molotov Compromise/Deathbed Repentance @ Walter's on Washington
People Noise/Pale/Orange Is In @ Rudyard's

Mon., March 24:
The Dodos/Silje Nes/The Wild Moccasins/Missing Files @ The Mink
Lenny Briscoe/Sew What/Like Yeah @ Boondocks

Tues., March 25:
Street Dogs/The Riverboat Gamblers/Complete Control @ Warehouse Live

Wed., March 26:
Unseen/A Wilhelm Scream/The Krum Bums/Blackstar @ Warehouse Live
Billy Martin (of Medeski, Martin, and Wood) @ Heinen Theatre (HCC Central Campus, 3517 Austin & Holman; 7:30PM, $8)

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