Best. Semi-Satirical. Tribute. Ever.

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s from back in 2005 or so, but homeboy Marc brought it to my attention recently, and now I feel completely and utterly compelled to post it here: Robbie Fulks’ “Fountains of Wayne Hotline”. The first time I listened to the song (sorry, Marc, it took a while for the iPod to hit it), I nearly drove into another car, I was laughing so hard.

Like the title says, it’s the perfect, perfect little piece of satire/tribute ever, in that it’s both poking at FoW with a sharp stick and a brilliant example of how well the shiny-sweet pop goodness the band comes up with works and a subtle in-joke for anybody even vaguely familiar with Tech Support. Holy shit, is it good.

(To Mr. Fulks/Whomever It May Concern: In the unlikely event that you ever come across our humble site, please don’t sue my broke ass. I’ve got to keep my little girl in broccoli and hot dogs, and only a cruel, heartless person would take away a four-year-old’s hot dog, right? You’re a damn genius, and I swear I post this track strictly out of love and to bring it back to the attention of our 15-sec-of-fame world. I will remove it im-freakin’-mediately if asked.)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, March 15th, 2008. Filed under Uncategorized.

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2 Responses to “Best. Semi-Satirical. Tribute. Ever.”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lucero + Frank Turner + My Education + Co-Pilot + Hell City Kings + Robbie Fulks + Matt Costa + More on November 19th, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    […] you want to hear it, btw, I’ve posted it up here before — go check it out. And Mr. Fulks, please don’t sue. I posted it out of love for the song. […]

  2. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Balaclavas + American Fangs + Featherface + RIVERS + Robbie Fulks + Cancellations + More on May 13th, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    […] proving that he can really write pretty much any kind of song he wants and make it incredible. See here for […]

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