Rockin' yo shit.

The official Space City Rock Blog, featuring news on local Houston musical happenings and occurances, random venting about various things, and fervent ravings on the wonders of music, art, film, and anything else.
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Update: listenlisten (3/15) + Paris Falls (tonight!) + The Besnard Lakes + While You Were Gone (3/7-8!) + More [2/28/2008 04:10:00 PM]:
phew...another late night, another update. Big thanks to all the hard-working writer folk, by the by, for getting this stuff in -- this little e-zine would die a sad and lonely death with only yours truly doing the writing for it, I swear. Everybody, your efforts are very much appreciated. I owe you all beers.

Oh, and it seems that for some reason, Blogger and/or Network Solutions is/are working like they're supposed to once more. Wish I knew why...argh. Not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, though, so please join me in thanking the Gods of the Bloggernet for somehow granting my wish that I be able to blog again without having to republish 17 times and then turn off my computer for the night & go to sleep hoping. I will sacrifice a USB cable in your honor, o Gods...

Anyway, we've got a brand-new interview with local folk-ish mysteriosos listenlisten now, which answers burning questions like, "how in the hell do y'all capitalize your band's name?" and "who came up with the wooden CD sleeve idea?" The band seem a bit on the shy side, and they profess to not be very good at interviews (which makes, uh, four of us, y'all), but all things considered, I think our little chat was damned interesting. Plus, they're playing soon, March 15th up at Rudyard's, opening for Sunburned Hand of the Man & Citay, neither of whom I know a damn thing about, sorry. Go to see listenlisten, if nothing else.

In somewhat earlier news, though, you might recall that I mentioned Paris Falls very, very recently in this li'l blog -- well, now there's a sparkling-shiny-new review up of their newest opus, Vol. II, which happens to be very, very good. Check out the review for the details, then hit Boondocks tonight to see the band play live for their official, fancy-shmancy CD release shindig. Gonna be good, honest.

On top of both of those, we've also got new reviews of both big-ish shots The Besnard Lakes and local post-emo heroes While You Were Gone, the latter of which have put out a heck of a compelling new EP that's been stuck in my head for a few weeks now (esp. "Thief"; man, I love that song). WYWG also happen to be playing in the relatively-near future, w/shows on both March 7th & 8th -- the former's at the First Baptist Church in Shepherd, TX., wherever the heck that is, and the latter's up in Humble at Fuel Cyber Cafe with Artist vs. Poet. Again: read about, then go see. This is what we're here for, people...

Anyway, there's more up there, too including happy-slappy reviews of NYC's The Forms, Austin's Built By Snow, & more. Here's the pile:

New Interview: listenlisten.

Reviews: Paris Falls; The Besnard Lakes; While You Were Gone; The Forms; Built By Snow; The King Hen; Miller; & Used Alien Mind.

More next week...

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All contents © 2010 Space City Rock, unless otherwise credited (photos used on the site excepted).