(Late) Update: Cat Power + Deathbed Repentance (2/8!) + Schoolyard Heroes (2/26) + More…

Argh. Just goes to show where my head’s at, lately, with this damn illness thing I can’t seem to shake — just this AM it occurred to me that I never actually posted about last week’s new batch of reviews. Apologies for that, folks; a well-oiled machine this e-zine is not, sadly (and yeah, that’s pretty much all me…d’oh!).

At any rate, as of last Friday or so we’ve had a cool pile of new reviews online, with especially good ones for the really-truly-brand-new Cat Power, a somewhat, ah, older Schoolyard Heroes disc, and an overlooked gem from locals Deathbed Repentance.

And cooler still, the latter two bands are playing here in town soon. Deathbed Repentance are playing Fri., February 8th at the Rats in the Attic CD release show; it’s at someplace I’ve never heard of called “Dead Baby Distro”, over at 2502 Leeland, and along with DR and Rats in the Attic, they’ve also got Unlikely Heroes, the failed attempt, & Molotov Compromise on the bill. Get over there and check out Deathbed Repentance if you can, seriously — while they do tend to wear their Social D/Billy Bragg/Clash influences on their sleeves, Why Do We Even Try? made my jaw drop. It’s good shit, honest.

Then there’s Schoolyard Heroes, who’re a little further down the calendar — they’re playing The Meridian on Tues., February 26th, opening for Aiden (whose latest ain’t bad, btw) and The Birthday Massacre (Farewell To Freeway also open). Never seen ’em live, but if you’re into the whole horror-emo subgenre that seems to have crept out from the shadows in the past couple of years, this is your show.

Oh, and not to belittle our “headline” review: Cat Power rules. Chan Marshall’s amazing; always has been, always will be. Here’s the whole pile that’s up now:

Reviews: Cat Power; Schoolyard Heroes; Deathbed Repentance; Dimestore Dandelion; John Hoskinson; & Sunspot.

More to come, incl. a Foo Fighters live review, a handful of interviews, and (of course) a metric ton of reviews…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, January 31st, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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