Dimestore Dandelion, Oil and Water

Dimestore Dandelion’s newest EP, Oil and Water, is tricky for me to review. Ultimately, I wish it had been sent to someone else. In reading the little snippet describing the band and record, it seemed the sound would be different — something more lo-fi and homey, I guess. But that doesn’t matter. Either way, I ended up with what is, in most respects, a smooth jazz/lounge pop record. That isn’t to say it’s bad, it’s just that I’m not a smooth jazz kind of guy. The performances are flawless, and the production is smooth and well-rounded, but none of those are things I really appreciate as a listener. This not to say no one appreciates them; it’s just not my style. Therefore, this is a great record — if it’s your kind of thing. If you’re into dreamy, acoustic guitar-based pop backed by downtempo singles club keyboards, then this is the best in the business. And if you’re like me, and you could really care less, then…you could really care less.

(self-released; Dimestore Dandelion -- http://www.dimestoredandelion.com/)

Review by . Review posted Friday, January 25th, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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