Three Words: Scary. Fucking. Shit.

I generally tend to skip the political stuff on this here blog, partly ’cause that’s what I did a heck of a lot of in a past life, but sometimes I’ve just got to mention something. Like now, for instance, when it’s coming out that back at the start of last month Our Dear Leader signed the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, which says (in essence) that in case of a “catastrophic emergency,” the Prez assumes total control of the government.

That is, he basically sidelines Congress or the Judiciary (the Directive allows for a “cooperative effort” with those other two pesky branches, at the White House’s discretion, and to be helped along by Mr.-Plays-Well-With-Others himself, Dick Cheney) and becomes the American version of a king, with absolute power over the whole damn ball of wax. He could close, say, the EPA, if he decides it’s being too damn pushy about that whole “environment” thing. He could torture people with impunity, the law be damned. He could snatch up people who don’t agree with him in the middle of the night, without the need for warrants. He could fucking declare war without even bothering to check with Congress, as long as he deems something a big enough threat.

Damn. This seriously sends a chill down my spine, not least of all because it’s been ignored by everybody ’til now, and even now it’s only a few indie media outlets like AlterNet talking about it. Why in the hell isn’t this big, big, big news? I’d sure as hell rather hear about this than Lindsay Lohan’s latest binge.

Folks, the future just got a whole lot more Orwellian.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, June 1st, 2007. Filed under Posts.

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