Lawndale Needs You, This Weekend

Hey, if you happen to be looking for something to do this weekend, the ever-cool Lawndale Art Center is looking for volunteers to help out with their “20th Century Modern Market” exhibition deal. They need folks to help set up before and clean up after the Preview Party tomorrow night (Fri., April 27th), and if you help out, you get to hang out. Then they need even more folks the next two days, Sat.-Sun., April 28th-29th, for Market Weekend, which is apparently some kind of market for “Mid-Century Modern design furniture, accessories, clothing, jewelry, rugs and art”. Oof…sounds interesting, at least. For those two days, though, they need people to take tix, sign up members, and all kinds of other stuff.

Feel like helping out? Get a hold of Jimmy at “jcastillo” at “lawndaleartcenter dot org” / 713-528-5858 or Matt Wolff at “mwolff” at “lawndaleartcenter dot org”.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, April 26th, 2007. Filed under Posts.

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