The Silvermen, Incendiary Luminary

The Silvermen, Incendiary Luminary

First of all, let’s make it clear that we are talking about the rockabilly/western/surf rock band called The Silvermen. If you googled “The Silvermen” and came up with “NSW. Smooth bear seeks all ages locally or internationally,” you might be looking for Ken, a gay older man with a need for love. If so, and this page came up, my apologies. Here’s where you can find your own smooth bear: If, however, you were looking for the band The Silvermen, the real links for the band are at the bottom of the article. Please use those. It’s much more embarrassing to figure this out at work, trust me.

Now, on to the review. The Silvermen’s debut release, Incendiary Luminary, adds a unique fire and energy to the rockabilly genre. They have a sound that is most easily comparable to Reverend Horton Heat. The band sings about jail time, cops, drinking, muscle cars, Nashville, and their “babies.” If you’re into Reverend Horton Heat, then you shouldn’t have any trouble getting to like this band. My favorite track, “Love Shakin’ Blues Playin’ King,” sounds so close to Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode” that I caught myself singing the words of Mr. Berry right along with the song. There are a few other tracks that borrow from other rock icons, specifically from the repertoire of Dick Dale. The Silver Men have a few songs that will certainly make some surf-rock waves at their shows.

The instrumentalists keep the music eclectic and fresh. The songs contain soft harmonics, jazzy breakdowns, sneaky bass, and swinging beats. One song might be a little more mellow and possess some of that Southern charm, while the next could be a dance floor brawl waiting to happen. The band makes sure to maintain their roots by keeping a touch of country on Incendiary Luminary. Break out the hair grease (Dapper Dan, preferably), roll up the cuffs of your jeans, and go see The Silvermen.

(Shindig Records; The Silvermen --

Review by . Review posted Tuesday, February 13th, 2007. Filed under Reviews.

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