The Radium Screen, White Faces

The Radium Screen, White Faces

So I was driving around California, and to my surprise, there was nothing good on the radio. Believe it or not, the radio in Laguna Beach is worse than Houston’s very lackluster channel selection. Anyway, I was driving around and happened to have White Faces, the demo by The Radium Screen, in my car. I looked at the beautiful, vibrantly colored red flower on the cover and assumed that this band would probably sound like something along the lines of the New Radicals or maybe Ash. Oh, how I was wrong…

The Radium Screen’s four-song demo begins with the track “Dirty Blonde,” which within four beats has me turning up the volume and wanting to shake my ass. But as the CD plays on, the beats get darker and darker and so do the vocals, and I still want to shake my ass. It’s as though The Radium Screen is this wild offspring of !!! (aka “Chk Chk Chk”), with their ass-shakeable beats, that hits puberty in the middle of their second song and begin to sound much more like She Wants Revenge or Interpol, while still maintaining those dance-friendly beats. It’s a very interesting mixture that the band members themselves even notice, apparently, describing their sound as “electronic music with a human feel,” as well as “danceable” but at the same time “dark and lethargic”. If you are into the Goth dance-rock vibe of Numbers, then this band from Louisville is just the thing for you.

(LaLaLa Records -- P.O. Box 76, New Albany, IN. 47151-0076; The Radium Screen --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Wednesday, July 26th, 2006. Filed under Reviews.

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