Cameron Dezen

First off, I should say that I’m not generally a fan of female singer/songwriters. I don’t know why, really; maybe it’s because the majority that I’ve heard seem to be either too saccharine-sweet or overly arty, one or the other…

Arthur Yoria

Okay, so this is embarrassing. Not only is H-town rocker/all-around nice guy Arthur Yoria undoubtedly one of the best singer/songwriters in the city, but we’ve even done an interview with him…and yet I’ve somehow neglected to put him up here…

The Handsomes

Y’know, I hate to say it, but I wasn’t expecting much from these guys when I first saw ’em. I walked into a club packed wall-to-wall with over-dyed bimbos and beefy guys who looked like they were trying really hard to ignore the fact that they were edging into middle age…

Freedom $old

Houston’s got a rap scene a mile deep, but you might not know it from the major media (outside of the Houston Press, who these days do a ridiculously good job of covering it) or the indie-rockin’ bars inside the loop…

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