Whitney Cline, Bring on the Rain

Whitney Cline, Bring on the Rain

It takes a little getting used to, but eventually you’ll find yourself being taken somewhere deep inside Whitney Cline’s voice. With her debut album, Bring on the Rain — which is described in the press materials as a mix of folk and rock — it’s a slow process that starts off with the listener being completely uninterested in Ms. Cline. Then her music steadily becomes more and more entertaining and meaningful, although I must say I don’t care much for the title track itself. It takes me back to when I was 12 years old and thought I knew absolutely everything, when as truth would have it, I didn’t even come close.

I would say that the album starts off with two really strong and simple songs, and after that it becomes a love and hate relationship. Lyrically, it’s a bit immature for the type of image that Cline is trying to portray. Personally, this wouldn’t be an album that I would invest in. I’d rather download a few songs for occasional listening pleasure.

(Red Wagon Records; Whitney Cline -- http://www.whitneycline.com/)

Review by . Review posted Saturday, October 1st, 2005. Filed under Reviews.

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