Various Artists, The Estrus Kamikaze Ass Chomp ‘N’ Stomp CD Sampler Vol. 4

Various Artists, The Estrus Kamikaze Ass Chomp 'N' Stomp CD Sampler Vol. 4

This compilation features an assortment of bands that share a common affinity for pushing the boundaries of modern music. None of the 19 bands featured are very mainstream; Estrus, in fact, is known for its stable of well-respected, underground acts. The Dexateen’s “Take Me To The Speedway” sounds like old-style, southern classic rock ‘n’ roll. Rather than completely rehashing garage and classic rock of the ’70s, their raw guitars and a drawl like nothing you’ve heard this side of “My Name Is Mud” work in the track’s favor. “New Arsenal,” by Houston’s very own Fatal Flying Guilloteens, along with The Makers’ “The Jerome Green” and The Insomniacs’ “Leave,” are some of the best cuts on the compilation — FFG, in particular, are adept at blowing past trends and creating their own style, and “New Arsenal” is no exception.

It’s not all great, mind you — DMBQ’s “Taste” is a twisted metal mess that’s too self-indulgent for this collection and throws off the otherwise solid pace of songs. Similarly, the lame punk of The Mummies’ “I’m Gonna Kill My Baby Tonight” is one listeners will blow right by. Despite these missteps, the sampler proves that Estrus is a label intent on spreading the word about interesting, innovative bands that otherwise would probably never get much attention outside of their respective cities. It’s definitely worth checking out.

(Estrus Records -- P.O. Box 2125, Bellingham, WA. 98227;; N/A)
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Saturday, October 1st, 2005. Filed under Reviews.

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