Dine Alone, Dine Alone

Listed among Dine Alone’s influences on the press materials are Chevelle, Tool and Staind — that should give you a pretty solid idea of what the music should be like, except for that Staind reference there. Before even popping in the CD, I’m wondering which incarnation of Staind they have taken their influence from — if it was the pre-“whiney baby” days and more like Mudshovel, for example, their sound should be really great. Personally, though, I think that Dine Alone sounds more like a combination of Tool and APC than anything the band members themselves throw out there.

Singer Carlos Spiers has a melodic/melancholy voice and is supported by the heavier guitar, bass and drums in the background. The intensity of the vocals is evenly matched by the music. Even on “The Yard,” which is the most basic song I heard, it still has great flow and rhythm. The CD that I gave an ear to was a brief three-song self-titled CD, which reminds of the promo CDs you sometimes get at clubs and bars around town. Judging from their site, the CD available for purchase is a full-length, so I’d definitely like to hear the rest of their music; I’m not sure that three songs are enough to do more than whet the appetite. Even still, I’ll be sure to catch them in town when I have the chance, so I guess that’s enough.

(Cryolab Studios; Dine Alone -- http://www.dinealone.com/)

Review by . Review posted Tuesday, March 1st, 2005. Filed under Reviews.

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