Dash Rip Rock, Recyclone

Dash Rip Rock, <em>Recyclone</em>

After 20 years and 12 releases, this band is still the Greatest “Country Punk” band around. Recyclone goes through their collection and shows you how great they are — just when you think it’s going to slow down, they belt out an ever more powerful song than the last. The album also collects some of their Baddest, Bawdiest, and Rowdiest tunes to date, including “Shootin’ Up Signs,” “BFE” (you will have to buy the record to find out what that means), and a new version of the hit “Let’s Go Smoke Some Pot.” Dash Rip Rock is a fun band that doesn’t take life too seriously, and that’s good for us.

(Alternative Tentacles Records -- P.O. Box 419092, San Francisco, CA. 94141-9092; http://www.alternativetentacles.com/; Dash Rip Rock -- http://www.dashriprock.net/)
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Tuesday, March 1st, 2005. Filed under Reviews.

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