Agents of the Sun, Aurora

Agents of the Sun are pretty lucky — they never had to languish in the local scene for years, jockeying with Creed wannabes for a remote chance to make it big…

AM, Francophiles & Skinny Ties

This is some garage rock shit from NY, not to be confused with the Fucking AM, or AM 60 (also from New York). I had no idea what this band was about before pushing “play,” but my reaction about 20 seconds into it was to hit “stop.” Being a fan of many bands/albums that took […]

Arcade, Into The Light

Man, anybody who picks up a copy of Arcade’s Into The Light expecting to hear the early-’90s hard rock band formed by Ratt’s Stephen Pearcy is gonna be pissed. Of course, since the abovementioned group of music fans is probably outnumbered…

Live: Lonestar Pornstar Does Dallas

On Sunday, August 29, Houston band Lonestar Pornstar went on their first road trip. At 10 A.M., I hopped into a 15-passenger van to ride with this party band and their friends up to Dallas. The owner of the Jones Rd. club Forgetta’Bout It followed behind them in his own car with his companion. I thought of the Pantera video which showed their road trips…

Alice Despard Group, Thinning Of The Veil

There are two songs that make the Alice Despard Group’s Thinning Of The Veil worth your attention and ten that more or less succeed only to the degree to which they remind you of the other two. The keepers are the hooky title track, which resonates like Barbara Manning…

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