The Flamin’ Hellcats

Well, I thought these guys were pretty much toast, and had put ’em in the Band Graveyard, but it turns out that not only are they still together, but they released a new CD, Goin’ to Your House, with all new stuff on it, and they even had a song on the soundtrack to that “Dawson’s Creek” guy’s movie, Varsity Blues. Not bad for a band I thought had called it quits…sigh. Anyway, here’s the deal: loud, punkish “vato-billy,” played by three really big, scary Hispanic guys with lots of tattoos and enough hair goop to grease a kitchen full of pans. These guys have the frightening, nasty side of rockabilly down (you know, like Elvis used to be before he got “nice”?). The first time I ever saw ’em play was at a PN Awards Showcase many years back at Emo’s, and when they finished their set they promptly went outside, got in a fight, and got arrested. Damn. If that ain’t rockabilly, I don’t know what is. When I’ve seen them in the past, they’ve been pretty mesmerizing live, catapulting themselves all over the stage and playing with wild, reckless energy — a band you really have to see to get; although if you couldn’t, you can hear them on one of their albums, either the new one or their apparently hard-to-find debut Speedfreak, as well as the Pinche Flojo comp Scene? What Scene?. Laurence, their bassist, has also played with a few other bands, including the Jack-Onz and Donkey Punch…

Band writeup by . Band writeup posted Wednesday, May 27th, 2009. Filed under Bands.

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