
Damn, but these guys are neato. They used to be a sloppy garage-punk band called Pull My Finger, and they even put out a CD under that name, but decided somewhere along the way that they were tired of doing the punk thing, and manage to transform, instead, into a pretty fucking cool indie-rock band. They sound at times like king indie-rockers Superchunk, but also throw in a good bit of an emo influence, and even bring to mind mainstream alternarockers Weezer at times (in a good way, mind you) — loud, melodic, pained songs about love; exactly my kind of thing, believe me. Thankfully, they’ve finally got their self-titled CD out, on their own little Less Than Records label, and it’s absolutely amazing. No, really. It rocks, and everybody and their mom oughta own a copy, seriously. Anyway, they’ve been working on some new stuff lately, up at Dan Workman’s Sugar Hill Studios, and have a track on Deep Elm Record’s recently-released The Emo Diaries, Volume 3 compilation (woo-hoo!). Beyond that, they’re hoping to release a 7″ sometime around March. Thankfully, bassist Mikel is back from his, uh, “vacation” at the Texas Dept. of Corrections boot camp (the band had a couple of temporary stand-in bassists, in the meantime), and the band has been touring quite a bit around the country.

Band writeup by . Band writeup posted Saturday, September 19th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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